Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11: A Day of Prayer

LANGHORNE, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A. Today is September 11th 2010, the ninth anniversary of an event that changed us as individuals, as families, as places of worship, as communities, as a nation, as a world. We cannot turn back the clock. We honor those who were at the center of our lives for a time, those who were in the middle of the event that occurred that day, and those who heard the call for help and responded. We honor them as much as we honor those who have heard the war tocsin sound and who have responded to that call as well. Some paid the ultimate price. Others live with the scars of responding to that call. The tapestry of which we are one continuous thread is rich in color, strong in character, and espouses a sense of freedom that is unequaled.

We live in a world of pain and suffering and hard times. But we also live in a world full of joy and blessings and people who care about each other and reach out to those in need. For we say to ourselves, through our faith, "There but by the grace of God, go I."

For those who know even an inkling of a faith that sustains them, let this day be one of prayer first and foremost. Yes, a spirit of patriotism should also ring loud and clear on this day. But right along side, coexisting in parallel and going in the same direction, can we pray in the way that we were taught to pray, whether the teacher was those who raised us from birth, or someone else along the way who in someway mentored us into the persons that we have become? Can we pray as we were taught?

Can we pray for peace? Can we pray that something like this will never happen again? Can we pray that we would be good mentors to the next generation? Can we pray for a world that needs prayer? Can we pray for those who lead us at whatever level that may be?

I think we can. I know we can. For in our freedom it is not just what we are free to do. It has also become what we have learned that we are free not to do. We should be thankful for that. And for those of us who have even an inkling of faith in our lives, we have always known that prayer is a good thing and to not pray is just not a path that we should ever think of following.

Will you pray with me today? And for those who have already made this day one of prayer, thank you for allowing me to join you in that oneness of spirit.

Thank you all and peace be with all of you always,


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